Important License Note: You may download and evaluate the currently supported version and any language version on this page, however, if you currently own any previous version of Global Mapper, and plan to upgrade to 24.0, a new license is required. The licenses for the most recent releases are available to users who have active Maintenance and Support. Users with out-of-date M&S will have to renew M&S to access the software. Please contact with any questions or concerns.
Important License Note. You may download and evaluate any version on this page, however, if you currently own any previous version of Global Mapper, and plan to upgrade to 24.0, a new license is required. The licenses for the most recent releases are available to users who have active Maintenance and Support. Users with out of date M&S will have to renew M&S to access the software. Please contact with any questions or concerns.
Blue Marble Geographic Calculator 2019 (x64)
Important License Note. You may download and evaluate any version on this page, however, if you currently own any previous version of Global Mapper, and plan to upgrade to 23.1, a new license is required. The licenses for the most recent releases are available to users who have active Maintenance and Support. Users with out of date M&S will have to renew M&S to access the software. Please contact with any questions or concerns.
Important License Note. You may download and evaluate any version on this page, however, if you currently own any previous version of Global Mapper, and plan to upgrade to 23, a new license is required. The licenses for the most recent releases are available to users who have active Maintenance and Support. Users with out of date M&S will have to renew M&S to access the software. Please contact with any questions or concerns.
Geographic Calculator 2019 For 32-64 Bit is a global and reliable tool for converting and transmitting geospatial coordinates and geo-mapping challenges. The Geographic Calculator 2019 includes precise and reliable tools such as Canadian DLS (Dominion Land Survey) Land Grid, seismic tools, tool for checking the distances between different locations, geospatial conversion tools, geographic area survey tools, and more.
Finally, Geographic Calculator 2019 supports a wide variety of file formats along with the largest database of mapping parameters. In fact, Geographic Calculator 2019 has made it possible for geographers to import their geographic data into a comprehensive interface and remove any information they need. 2ff7e9595c